seventies building
contains poor ventilation
fetid odors stay…
Category Archives: Job
I’m a team player….
time to find a job
team building activities
T.V discussion…
oops, was that me?
noisy intestines
gas at the reference desk
should i let one fly?…
a bit bored
brainless at ref desk
staring at the wall all day
remember to blink…
visual basic hell
asp struggles
if integer equals blah
mind thrown for a loop…
I tried to listen
new temp position
explanation of duties
mind wanders away…
large office window
ok, where was i?
web page, snow, code, dirty glass
oooo, people outside…
So, Any questions? Headhunter leads suck sometimes.
Job interview spaz
Going well, seem to get along
Wait, why am I here?…
I have only one concern
temp job interview
why sure, that crap sounds like fun
employee discount?…
coding hell
SQL phrase tanked
‘object not found’, yet again
bang head on table…