tasty texas hots
shouldn’t eat them every day
bowels will revolt…
wtf is that noise?
library patron
has musical hearing aid
making high pitch din…
librarian with pms
it’s greek study night
squeals of vapid joy fill the air
where is my mallet?…
feel it
My shitty haiku
has been posted on the web.
I’m king for a day!…
vomit stew
i like to soak pots
water and food starts to grow
days pass, sludge rippens…
billowy, voluminous
big granny panties
billowy, voluminous
dwarfing my poor ass…
gassy air abound
Smells that scare small animals
Burritos revenge…
moving it along at work
where is my shovel?
it’s high time to move poop piles
evaluation near…
quitting my job now
means downward mobility
should sell the house first…
can you smell what the Rock is cookin?
rage descends at work
bash heads break bones maim maim maim
breathe, it’s 5 pm…